TUIs feel like games

23 August, 2024 - Categories: til - Tags: til, lazygit

Over the past few weeks, I've really forced myself to use lazygit and over the past few months, I've forced myself to use k9s. The reason why I'm writing forced above because I was good at using git and kubectl. After moving to TUIs alternative of these daily used command line tools, I think I should have done the same earlier.

I think the TUI alternative of these programs are better way to deal with it. Below are the following reason:

  1. It's fast and you've to type less.
  1. Less Mental Overload

If you want to learn more then I highly recommend reading this section from author of lazygit.

NOTE: I understand that some of the advance stuff of a particular command line tool may not be possible with TUIs but overall for day to day usage they feel really good. Going forward, I'll continue to learn more about the traditional way of using any command because I cannot use TUIs inside a CI pipeline.

For example, when using TUIs, I don't require to use kubectl wait but in CI, I'll require that so if I only focus on TUIs then my CI will break.